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Cavalletti Riser Blocks
from $248.00
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  • Jec Ballou Mounting Horse for Training

    Rider Fitness Course

    Enhance your riding by improving your own body mechanics, strength, and agility. Each week, you will be assigned ridden exercises with designated sets and reps PLUS an unmounted guided workout. If that's not enough, you'll also get recipes, tips, and strategies to keep progressing. Plenty of videos and simple instructions!

  • Supremely Supple: 5 Steps to a Looser Horse

    Combining physiology research with straightforward coaching, this course shows riders how to make their horses more flexible, loose, and graceful in their movement. Each video lesson is followed by exercise suggestions with diagrams to put new the principles in action. Downloadable course materials can be brought to the barn.

  • 30-Day Core Fitness for Horses

    Ever wanted to make your horse more comfortable, athletic, and fun to ride? Follow this step by step course to tune up his postural muscles and balance. These exercises can be performed regardless of weather and are not time-consuming.

  • Conditioning Your Horse with Groundpoles

    Ground poles offer the most efficient and stress-free tool to improve your horse’s balance, coordination, and overall fitness. This course leads you through 30 days of progressive training over poles in all gaits. In addition to weekly exercise videos, instructions, and diagrams, you'll get downloadable course materials and a workout log to take to the barn.

  • Myth of the Strong Back

    Learn key insights about strengthening your horse's topline in this presentation that audiences across the country have enjoyed at numerous horse fairs and expos. Using videos, slides, and helpful diagrams, Jec explains how to go about increasing tone in your horse's upper muscle chain without the problems that arise from a back that is too strong and tense.

  • Athletic Development for Western Dressage

    How do you increase your horse's dressage skills while avoiding the repetitive movement that hinders overall athleticism? In June 2020, the California Western Dressage Association asked Jec to present a demo about conditioning horses for better performance. This video is a recording of that presentation, and includes exercise timeline recommendations. While references are made to Western Dressage horses, the information is applicable to all arena disciplines.