At your home, on your schedule.

Online courses make training more accessible. Saddle up on your schedule.

I get it. We’re all going in a million different directions these days and making it to a clinic, trailering your horse across the country, or just finding the time can be a real challenge. And while my in-person clinics and training sessions can only help so many students, I want everybody to benefit from my teachings and techniques. Now you can make your horse more comfortable, athletic, and fun to ride regardless of your schedule or location.

ALL courses include lifetime access, you can go at your own pace, return to review weeks, months, or years down the road, AND you can print materials or access video from nearly anywhere.

Conditioning Your Horse with Ground Poles: Online Course

Do you want to
fine-tune your horse's neuromuscular coordination for better power, agility, and overall body balance? If your answer is yes, then get ready to have fun and make progress with your horse in my online course, Conditioning Your Horse with Ground Poles. Ground poles offer the most efficient and stress-free tool to improve your horse’s balance, coordination, and overall fitness. This course leads you through 30 days of progressive training over poles in all gaits. In addition to weekly exercise videos, instructions, and diagrams, you will get downloadable course materials and a workout log to take to the barn, plus access to an exclusive Facebook group to collaborate with fellow students.

30-Day Core Fitness for Horses: Online Course

30-Day Core Fitness for Horses provides a
step-by-step guide to tune up your horse’s overall fitness, postural muscles, and balance. You will learn how to optimize periods of lesser activity due to poor weather, limited schedules, or post-injury. Each week includes a "walk workout" routine to perform 3-5 times during the week and 3 calisthenic exercises that target a horse's deep, stabilizing muscles. All exercises can easily be modified for solely groundwork, which is beneficial for horses that are recovering from injury and can’t be ridden, but still need to move. The lessons are short and simple, but highly effective when practiced with consistency.

Supremely Supple: 5 Steps to a Looser Horse: Online Course

One of the prime components for creating any equine athlete is to develop more suppleness in their body. Learn how to use five simple principles to give your horse more freedom and ease of movement in his muscles and gaits. Each short video lesson in this course is followed by exercise suggestions to help you plan your daily sessions to make your horse more flexible and comfortable. Downloadable course materials can be brought to the barn. Does your horse experience stiffness, rough gaits, or travel with short and choppy strides? This course gives you the tools to change that! It distils my exercise physiology expertise down to useful, practical steps you can take immediately.

Rider Fitness: Online Course

Enhance your riding by improving your own body mechanics, strength, and agility. Each week, you will be assigned ridden exercises with designated sets and reps PLUS an unmounted guided workout. If that's not enough, you'll also get recipes, tips, and strategies to keep progressing. Plenty of videos and simple instructions!

Essential Horse Fitness

This is the webinar your horse wants you to watch! Jec breaks down the key difference between schooling and conditioning, showing you the simplest, most effective ways to keep your horse fit—even on a busy schedule. Train smarter, not harder, and get real results with less effort.

Step-by-step instruction.

The online courses give you detailed lessons that keep you accountable to your horse's fitness, give you small manageable tasks, and help you develop long-standing routines for the future.

The comfort of home.

You don’t need an arena for the exercises. A paddock or large yard works great. You can take the online course right from home no matter where you are in the world.

Flexible scheduling.

The course is self-paced with no preset beginning or end dates. If you need to take a break, just pickup where you left off. You’ll even have course access indefinitely after completion.

More online courses coming soon!

I am already working on more online courses, video tutorials, and presentations, all of which will allow you to train at home and on your schedule. To be the first to find out when new content is released, please subscribe to my newsletter below.

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